P-value is the probability of witnessing an event at least as extreme as our result. The smaller the p-value, the more evidence there is to reject \(H_0\). Reduce p-value if you want to be extra-sure that you have good evidence to reject \(H_0\).
collect a bunch of data
test a bunch of different things and look for p-values <0.05
claim strong evidence for the things that have p-values <0.05 $$ P(\text{at least one of the $S_i$ has a p-value below significance}|H_0) = 1 - P(\text{none}|H_0) = 1- 0.95^{20} \approx 0.642.$$
Thus it is very likely to make false claims this way.
Good statistics research
- form a hypothesis, then
- collect data, then
- perform a hypothesis test: if p<0.05, reject \(H_0\)